How to Clear The Horse's Etheric Field - With Course Completion Certificate

An Online Program For people, who want to learn how to Clear the Horse's Etheric Field - With Course Completion Certificate
Clear The Horse's Etheric Field - With Course Completion Certificate
1 Single Payment
of US $250
(receiving a 20% discount)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course

How would it feel if you were able to give your horse an energetic clearing or healing yourself?
This something everybody has the ability to do, if they want to and if they're shown how.
Clearing you horse's etheric field is something that would help you and your horse to feel more relaxed and connected together, the special bond between you would deepen, because you'd be connecting at an energetic level.
So in what situations could horses benefit from having their etheric fields or auras cleared?
Most horses benefit from having their Etheric Field's worked on, even horses that are normally relaxed and happy, enjoy having their etheric fields worked on. Horses in some of the following situations might particularly benefit from it:-
1. If your horse is kept in a noisy yard or stables
It will give him/her a chance to relax deeply, to rest and to regenerate.
2. If you think your horse has been bullied in the past
Clearing his/her etheric field will relieve some of the damage. Taoists believe that the energetic imprints of everything that has happened us remains in our systems, until it is somehow resolved and set free.
3. If you can't ride your horse at the moment
If you can't ride your horse for some reason, he/she can still benefit from your company and enjoy spending time with you. You needn't loose that close connection, just because you can't ride right now.
4. If your horse is in riding, it gives you and your horse a chance to just relax together, spending time with no concrete goal or purpose
Clearing your horse's etheric field, makes him/her feel cared for, in a deeper and more satisfying way, than just normal grooming or care.
5. Horses that compete and travel a lot
These horses will benefit from having the energetic imprints of the day's happenings gently cleared, before they settle down for the night.
6. Younger horses are very in tune with their own energy and respond well to energy work
It gives us an opportunity to spend time with them, when they are not having to learn and do things all the time. They can develop trust in us and feel safe.
7. Older horses who have worked hard all their lives
Older horses may have aches and pains in their bones. They will benefit from the heat and the gentle flow of energy as it travels deep inside their bodies, and it also gives us a chance to give them some gentle TLC.
8. Horses that are aloof and don't seek connection with humans respond well to this treatment
They recognise when we connect with our energy, and this makes it easier for them to connect with us. It provides a middle ground for connection.

Horses etheric fields are healed and regenerated naturally by the elements and by the balancing qualities of Nature. But sometimes they need extra help.
I created Clear Your Horse's Etheric Field as a guide for people who wanted to learn how to clear their horse's etheric fields themselves. The material in the course is simple and logical, yet it has a profound affect on horses. Another thing is, that it often not only affects the horse that is actually being worked on, but other horses in the vicinity as well.
All the training in the course is based on Taoist methods that have been used for centuries.
A little bit about me …

My name is Jenny Pim, I live in Co. Wexford, Ireland with my husband and family.
I've been teaching Tai Chi professionally since 2002. I’m a certified Tai Chi Instructor registered with the The Tai Chi Union For Great Britain and a certified Riding Coach registered with Horse Sport Ireland
My interests now lie in teaching Equestrian Tai Chi, in teaching people how to clear their horse's etheric field, and in working with special interest groups.
Here's what you'll learn in Clear Your Horse's Etheric Field.
The course has four short modules where you'll learn how to clear your horse's etheric field using methods from Taoist energy bodywork. You'll also learn how to distinguish between the different feelings of energy in your horse's energy field.
You'll learn Chi exercises and Taoist Breathing exercises that'll connect you to your energy and stabilize you. They'll also open the possibility for you to actually feel the sensations of energy, rather than just be moving your hands about without actually feeling anything.
When practiced on a daily basis, these exercises will cultivate and refine your energy and will further develop your ability to clear your horse's etheric field.

Clear The Horse's Etheric Field - With Course Completion Certificate
1 Single Payment
of US $250
(receiving a 20% discount)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
This is what people are saying ...
Energy flows just watching the videos
Wow Jenny, this is amazing, the energy starts flowing just when I am watching the videos, my reiki training will be helping me as well. It's very hot here, so bathed 2 horses, then started to work on them. The energy is amazing ...
My goodness the amount of sticky toffee as you call it was so easy to feel. Especially with my husband's retired hunter Del. He is covered in melanomas. The tummy rumbling and the sighing was quite loud. So was the farting lol! I'm going up to my field shortly & will just find myself a spot, get myself into the present and see who comes for some work ......
Sally Proe
United Kingdom
As a breeder, horse trainer and riding coach with over 50 years experience with horses, I am very happy to endorse Jenny Pim's course. It’s easy to follow, with help and interaction with Jenny throughout, and the horses I have worked with using Jenny's methods have all shown marked improvements in health and soundness, as well as becoming calmer and developing a better relationship with me.
I believe the methods Jenny uses and teaches are within everyone's capabilities, and have personally recommended the course to several people. I also really enjoyed the breathing techniques and centering, and found that the horses were not the only ones who gained benefits.
Deb Leigh Harrip
Experiencing Chi as a tingling and slightly prickly sensation
Hi Jenny, I am really enjoying the whole process of learning to feel both my energy and my horse's, and learning the different movements. It is a great experience to actually be able to feel my chi and to feel Baylee's energy field, which I experience as a tingling slightly prickly sensation.
When I comb and clear her energy field, she hangs her head and really seems to enjoy it. I have only had a little time to practice on her during the week. But Sunday is my day for riding her, so I will spend some quality time with her and practice more of the techniques.
Sarah Wainwright
Share bonding and continue to build our relationship ...

"I have thoroughly Jenny’s course. The course is laid out in a very logical progression and presented in bite-sized learning which makes it easy to remember key points to integrate into your daily behaviours. I like that Jenny delivers exercises for the human as well as the actual steps to clearing the horse's etheric field.
The steps to clearing your horses etheric field are easy to break down into manageable steps so I never felt overwhelmed in the process.
At first my horse seemed to be thinking "what the heck are you doing" but by gradually introducing it, he seems to enjoy the process as well. The other day I was doing one of the methods on him and he turned his head and nuzzled my shoulder while I was working on him. I have found it a wonderful way to share bonding time with him and to continue to build our relationship. Jenny is responsive with any questions I have had and provided extra guidance when requested.
Dorothy Tenute
B.C. Canada
Clear The Horse's Etheric Field - With Course Completion Certificate
1 Single Payment
of US $250
(receiving a 20% discount)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
This is everything that is included with
How to clear The Horse's Etheric Field …
The course is fully available online. Once you join the course, you get access to all the material. You will have your own username and password to log in and out, whenever you want.
The Course Includes –
- A Glossary.
- Safety Protocols For Practice.
- How to Connect with your Energy.
- How to Store your Energy.
- Information about your Tantien.
- Alignments for optimum Chi Flow.
- 2 Chi Sensitivity Exercises to open your energy.
- Guidelines For Practicing Taoist Breathing.
- 5 Taoist Breathing Exercises to develop your sensitivity to energy.
- Guidelines For Practicing Clearing Your Horse's Etheric Field
- Videos showing how to clear Your Horse's Etheric Field, including 3 different techniques and how to recognise the different sensations of blockages, holes and energy centres in your horse.
- Videos about learning to pull and push energy and about how to pull out energetic blockages.
- 4 Private 20 Minute Zoom Calls where I will offer feedback on the videos you send in for review.
- Access to a Private Forum where you can make a record of your practice.
- Access to a Private Group for you and I on Facebook where you can upload your videos and I can upload a recording of the Zoom calls.
Clear The Horse's Etheric Field - With Course Completion Certificate
1 Single Payment
of US $250
(receiving a 20% discount)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
I offer a Conditional 30 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
If you decide How to Clear The Horse's Etheric Field - With Course Completion Certificate is not for you, that is no problem at all, just send me a video of yourself practicing the techniques, to show that you have tried them within 30 Days, and I will happily refund your money.

Clear The Horse's Etheric Field is an online course that teaches horse lovers how to clear the Horse's Etheric Field.
This course is in no way a substitute for proper veterinary care. If the horse needs medical attention you should contact an Equine Vet without delay.