Taoists believe that if a person's Chi is not stable, theirĀ mind cannot be stable.
This is why they focussed so much on developing Chi practices to help us.
They also believe that if a person cannot relax sufficiently, their mind cannot go inside their body.
Since 2013, I've been offering trainings for riders to keep themselves and their horse calm.
They're for people who get anxious riding themselves and also for people who want to keep their horses calm, as we both affect each other with our energy or Chi.
It's for riders who may be confident most of the time and they just get nervous in certain situations or riding certain horses.
It's also for riders who are quite confident but who want to learn to keep their horses calm in certain situations.
It's also for riders who feel anxious and uneasy around their horse most of the time.
This training is part of our Equestrian Tai Chi Training System for Riders opening soon!
If you'd like to be on the waitlist to hear about the training Please click below!
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If you'd like a Free Guide to Build Chi Confidence and Connection with your horse before you ride please click below!
Free Guide to Build Chi Confidence & Connection