5 Posture Tips To Enhance Your Chi Flow
When your energy flows smoothly, your horse senses it and is drawn more to wanting to connect with you.
Deepen your connection with your horse when you ride, by practicing these 5 Simple Tips to Optimise Your Natural Chi Flow, using Classic Chinese Principles.
First Tip
Lift your head as if it is suspended from above by a string. This should be done by sensing not force. You should avoid having any muscular tension in your neck, because this will make it difficult for your Chi to flow.
Second Tip
Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth just above where your gums join your teeth. This allows an important energy circuit in your body to complete, and will help your energy to flow smoothly. You will find the spot there that feels comfortable for you.
Third Tip
Relax your shoulders and relax your elbows, and allow them to fall freely. If your shoulders are not relaxed, your Chi can't sink to your heels. The energy in your hips and your shoulders is closely connected. Your hips can't relax if your shoulders aren't relaxed.
Fourth Tip
Relax your chest. If your chest isn't relaxed, your energy can't sink to your Tantien. Your Tantien is the major energy centre in your body, located three or four fingers below your navel, towards the centre of your body. This is also the location of your centre of gravity.
Fifth Tip
Breathe to your abdomen. Lower your diaphragm as you inhale, and allow your abdomen to expand, then let your abdomen return its starting position as your diaphragm rises and you exhale.