Module 2 is about The Present, becoming and staying, aware, alert, present, in the continuum of time that we call The Present.
If we view The Present as a continuum rather than a precise moment, we need to stay alert, all the time during the continuum, where we are now. As we move along the continuum, we are always where we are now.
The Present is the only time we can be in. We can only be in The Now. We cannot get back into The Past and we cannot step forwards and get into The Future.
We never actually reach The Future, because as we move along the continuum of The Present, things that were further away from us, in our Future, that were not part of our Present, have now come into our Present, because as we moved along the continuum, moment by moment, we gradually reached the things that we thought of as being in our Future, they have now become part of our experience of our Present.
We don’t even have time to think about The Present, because by the time we do, it has gone, it is past and it is in The Past.
You can think about The Future and about The Past while you are in The Present. You don’t even have time to think about how you feel in The Present, because by the time you have thought about it, it is gone
But you can feel how you are in The Present, so The Present is primarily about how you are feeling, as you move along the continuum of Now moment by moment.
If you don’t like how you feel on the continuum, you can change it, so as you move along, how you feel is improved.