Early Taoists studied the planets and the stars, they observed the cyclical changes and flows in Nature and they studied the relationships among all Beings.
They discovered that there was a Universal Law –
Everything is in a continuous process of change.
The I Ching is called The Book of Changes because it offers the reader a way of understanding the nature of the flow of change in The Universe.
It guides the reader through ways to harmonize with the flow of change, rather than finding themselves resisting change.
Part of the Taoist spiritual quest is to –
understand the underlying energy of a situation, so that we can flow with the energy of it and not against it.
Taoists thought it was very important for people to know this. Their lives would be less painful if they could accept the situations they were in, to understand the energy of them and then move forward in the best possible way.
All of the movements in Tai Chi have Yin qualities and Yang qualities, that merge and change, flowing easily from one to the other.
When we learn Tai Chi, we embody and realise the wisdom of the I Ching in ourselves.
We learn to accept change in our lives, to adapt to it and to turn it to our advantage if possible.
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