The movements of the sequence of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form are learned step by step, as you move through the modules.
It may surprise you that the whole sequence takes under three minutes to perform on each side. This means, that it takes 3 minutes to practice the sequence of The Form the right, and it takes another 3 minutes to practice the sequence of The Form on the left.
The Equestrian Tai Chi Form (sequence) is taught on both the right side and the left side. This is to help make both sides of your body equally balanced and supple.
Many people are surprised how much easier The Form is to learn on their better side. Regular practice of The Form really helps to make both sides well coordinated.
The Form has 20 movements and 3 videos are used to teach each movement:-
- A quick view video.
- A video in slow motion with audio instruction.
- A video showing the place of the movement in the Equestrian Tai Chi sequence.
This may sound like a lot, but it’s not really, because some of the videos are very short, some are even just a few seconds long. Over time, I have developed the way Equestrian Tai Chi is presented online, so that it can be learned quicker and more concisely. This is not only to save my clients’ time, but also for me, to be able to get people, to where I want them to be, quicker.
As you develop your Equestrian Tai Chi practice, day by day, you will find that your energy will become more balanced, and that your horse will start to benefit from your practice as well. Your horse will be able to feel the beautiful flow of energy, that the movements create in you, as you perform them.
Your connection will deepen further with your horse, as your practice allows you to meet each other at an energetic level.